This is a screenshot of the main screen of AdoptMe. For each different pet type(dog, cat, fish, parrot...) has a different main screen. This is the main screen for a Turtle or Tortoise.
This is The Park. Sometimes, on the way to the park, your pet will go potty and you will need to clean it up like a responsible pet owner.
This is the Kitchen, where your pet can eat and drink. Above is a screenshot of Aladdin eating in the Kitchen.
And finally, this is the living room, where your pet can sleep, play darts, knit, watch TV..
Note: I have not included a screenshot of all the rooms in Adopt Me City, for that would be WAY to much work. But these are the most usable rooms.
I hope you go sign up for Adopt Me!
P.S: My kids love Adopt Me!
The website was shut down recently